Keir Starmer said he would be 'ready and willing' to deploy British troops on the ground in Ukraine to enforce any peace deal.
Mony Group, advertised by Dame Judi Dench (pictured), rose 4.6% after it said it will pay a dividend of 12.5p a share for 2024 -up 3% on the previous year
Thames Water will be back in the spotlight today when a court is due to rule on whether an emergency £3bn loan should be allowed to proceed.
In her Budget in October, Chancellor Rachel Reeves (pictured) announced plans to phase out rates relief introduced to help firms during the pandemic.
Topps bought the stores for £9m in August last year after CTD Tiles, which was the second largest specialist tile retailer in the UK, fell into administration.
Shein was expected to make its blockbuster public debut before Easter but faces delay amid allegations of abuse in its supply chain.
Assura, the FTSE 250 real estate investment trust, turned down KKR - one of the biggest private equity outfits in the US - for the fourth time.
Less than four in ten households are saving enough for a 'moderate' retirement, a new report warns, and some groups are most at risk of falling 'way behind'
Lloyds bank may have just launched one of the best current account switching offers of the year.
The bumper figures meant Scottish salmon retained its crown as Britain's most popular food export.
US regulators have approved a new meningitis vaccine developed by GSK, sparking cautious optimism for the sector in the wake of Donald Trump's election for a second term as President.
The poll comes after financial firms called on the Chancellor to cut tax breaks for cash Isa savers.
It is rare for a natural resources company to go from exploration to production, and onto cash generation, in less than 18 months from IPO. But that is exactly what Helix appears to be doing
The lowest fixed rate mortgages have dipped below 4 per cent for the first time in months, as the battle over rates steps up a gear.
Chief executive Will Lee remains upbeat, as the group's products and expertise should ensure long-term growth. At £32.42, the shares are a buy.
The trust is the result of the merger of two funds - Invesco Asia and Asia Dragon - to form the £800 million Invesco Asia Dragon.
Hercules Site Services shares have gained ground but there should be plenty more to come. At 53p, existing shareholders should keep the faith.
Will her new state pension be higher than her now reduced personal tax allowance, and if so how will HMRC recover tax from her?
Among the wealthy, confidence in the economy has fallen to 48%, down from 84% just six months ago, the latest Saltus survey shows.
Chancellor Rachel Reeves is hoping the sun will shine on a 66-mile strip between Britain's top two universities which she believes will boost the UK economy.
Chancellor Rachel Reeves is in a jam. But there are two ways of tackling such a deep-rooted problem.
This philosophy is off-putting to international investors who know that healthy, vibrant private sector businesses and stock markets are required for that.
The aim is to bring the two oil giants together so they can compete with international rivals such as France's TotalEnergies and US giants ExxonMobil and Chevron.
For Hilary Moir and her husband Sebastian, investing is a shared passion. And it is driven by a desire to retire and travel the world.
Property asking prices rose on average by £1,805 this month, according to the latest figures from Rightmove.
The most in-depth research so far into headlight glare shows the issue is getting worse and forcing people to stop driving at night as well as causing health issues.
Is Rachel from Accounts about to make the most calamitous decision of her eight-month tenure as Chancellor by axing tax-free cash Isas?
The all-electric A6 has been launched in two versions: a coupe-like Sportback and the Avant estate, carrying a £1,800 premium.
Until January Nuffield Health have stuck with our original price/agreement. But they recently wrote to say they were putting up my fees.
Andersen EV found that the overall cost of an EV can be as little as £1,154 per annum but it'll cost £2,316 to run an equivalent petrol car.
Homeowners who invest in security can add thousands to their property's value and cut insurance premiums.
Picking the right investment platform to hold your Isa is crucial to giving it the best chance to grow. But with so many options on the market, it can be hard to pick through them.
Activist investors take stakes in what they see as underperforming companies in order to agitate for change, which they believe will drive up the share price.
There is one simple thing that the Government could do to revitalise the UK stock market - scrap 0.5 per cent stamp duty on share purchases.
Divorcing couples who can afford it are increasingly turning to private judges to reach financial settlements, say legal experts.
Buying a home in more than half of Britain's biggest towns and cities typically requires putting down a deposit in excess of £100,000, new analysis has revealed.
A Government spokesperson said: 'Due to customer feedback these changes have now been withdrawn...People will be able to view their state pension forecast as they were before.'
The future of the cash Isa has been in the spotlight of late, with rumours the Chancellor could tinker with one of Britain's best loved tax breaks.
Honey isn't as straightforward as you'd think and a lot on sale in the UK is blended and not the real deal.
A Land Rover Defender 110 V8 Bond Edition created by SV Bespoke for No Time to Die's release is up for sale for an estimated max of £150k.
Used diesel cars are rising in value new research shows. So why could it be a good time to buy a second-hand diesel car and why do they make a good buy?
First-time buyers were behind more than half of all mortgaged house sales, last year, according to Halifax
More mortgage lenders are cutting rates as lenders battle it out for market share.
The regulator said TalkTalk had seen an increase in complaints in the third quarter of 2024 to top the list of broadband firms, while O2 continued to be the most complained about mobile provider.
At This is Money, we respect the Individual Savings Account so much that we choose not to cap up its acronym - for us, it's an Isa (not ISA).
Freetrade said its users will be able to trade a range of bond maturities, allowing them to diversify their portfolios and benefit from tax efficiencies.
Virgin Media O2 says it is spending up to £1m a day on customer service after lagging behind its rivals. We speak to customer service boss Alan Stott.
The 'hidden epidemic' of financial abuse often doesn't come to light until after a vulnerable person has died, according to the Step body of inheritance advisers.
Beales sells a range of homeware and fashion brands including Barbour, which counts model Alexa Chung (pictured) among its ambassadors.
A major bank is cutting its standard easy-access savings rate to just 1.26 per cent to heap further misery on savers.
Total sales were worth £7billion last year, a 34 per cent increase on 2023, according to the latest data from the Association of British Insurers.
The next time you see that image of a hooded, slightly evil-looking man hunched over a laptop, pause and consider that the world of scams has moved on.
Energy Secretary Ed Miliband last week announced that all privately rented properties must have an EPC rating of C by 2030.
I fell out with my neighbours. I'm now selling my house and every time I've had a viewing they deliberately cause a nuisance.
Savers - I urge you to check the interest rates on your easy-access accounts constantly in the coming weeks, but don't necessarily switch yet.
Financial firms have lobbied Reeves in recent weeks, claiming that the £421bn currently held in cash Isas could be put to better use in investments.
We pick our five favourite cash Isas for savers. This is essential reading to help you choose a top savings account for your money that can also protect you from tax.
Are investors starting to look for opportunities away from high-flying US shares - and could the UK stock market benefit from that? Simon Lambert and Richard Hunter discuss.
Nearly 2.4m fixed rate savings accounts are set to end in the next three months, according to analysis by Paragon Bank.
It's a simple but extraordinarily powerful force that anyone saving or going into debt should understand, says Tom Stevenson of Fidelity International.
Choosing the right investing platform is crucial but a wealth of choice can leave investors scratching their heads. We pick some of the best.
We asked trusted experts to recommend the best funds that cover different investment sectors - and included This is Money's selection of active and passive options too.
If you are planning on investing, or just want to know more, we tell you
the 10 essential things to consider for a successful buy-to-let
Caroline stumbled on an advert for a platform called NuxTrade, and like so many others, was drawn in by an apparent endorsement from a financial expert.
We have spoken to older leaseholders, including a 96-year-old who has seen her charge rise 223% since 2010 to £4,200 and another who has seen a 2,500% rise.
Age UK is campaigning against the Government's decision to means-test the Winter Fuel Payment, and will deliver a petition to Number 10 Downing Street today.
European defence stocks have surged as the continent's top political leaders gather for an emergency summit - so which should you invest in?
My wife and I have agreed that we don't need to know everything about each other's spending and she knows that I sometimes watch free porn - but this feels different. Is it financial infidelity?
In an intervention on the eve of London Fashion Week, Caroline Rush accused Shein of selling 'poor quality' garments which may be thrown away before even being worn.
Springfield Properties shares jumped on Monday morning after the housebuilder said it expected annual profits to be 'significantly ahead' of forecasts.
Assura - a FTSE 250-listed real estate investment trust that owns more than 600 buildings including GP surgeries - said it 'has received a preliminary, unsolicited approach'.
Amit Vedhara said that for Saba to keep coming back 'time and again' was 'entirely selfish and wasteful of cash, management resources and every other investors' time'.
Boss Stefano Buono said that the Nasdaq in New York or the Euronext exchange in Paris look more appealing.
I parked at a Marston's pub in Derby. I followed instructions and paid £2.70 by phone, using my Mastercard. There was no receipt.
I am not shocked, but I suspect other people in this office would be more judgmental.
Jackson said companies had 'heard positive words on reform' and now needed to see the action plan.
Colossal Biosciences founder Ben Lamm is on a mission to make extinction extinct.
The high-end group, which last year was rumoured to be planning a bid for Burberry, saw sales rise 8 per cent to just under £1billion in the last three months of 2024.
Georges Elhedery took over from Noel Quinn in September and launched a sweeping re-organisation.
The oil and gas engineering giant fell by 55.6 per cent to 29p as it revealed cost cuts, which will include cancelling bonuses for all employees.
Edinburgh Worldwide slapped down proposals tabled by Weinstein's firm Saba Capital to oust the board and replace them with his own allies.
Quickening the pace of decision making is useful but does little to release the animal spirits.
Boss Paul Thwaite refused to comment on a report that NatWest had discussed a potential acquisition of Santander UK.
The Chinese fast fashion giant had been hoping to list its shares before Easter in what would be one of the UK's biggest-ever listings.
In mid-December, Tesla boss Elon Musk was worth $486bn. Now the wealth of this controversial chief executive has shrunk to a mere $384bn (£304.4bn), although he is still the world's richest man.
Entain shares led the FTSE 100 on Friday after an activist hedge fund was revealed to have bought a large stake in the gambling giant.
Investors in Xeros Technology Group may feel like they have been caught in a relentless spin cycle, with shares down 65 per cent over the past year.
Shares in the Aberdeen-based company slumped by more than a third to 43.2p by late Friday morning, taking their losses over the past year to 71 per cent.
The London-listed lender revealed its pre-tax operating profits flatlined at just under £6.2billion in 2024, compared to analysts' expectations of £6.1billion.
The 1956 Lister-Maserati two seater was built for Archie Scott Brown, one of the finest Formula One drivers of the 1950s.
Kevin Harvey (pictured), a butcher in Reeves's West Yorkshire seat, said the chancellor's tax changes will force small firms out of businesses
The decision by Unilever to list its Magnum-to-Ben & Jerry's ice-cream offshoot in Amsterdam is a big snub to the Chancellor Rachel Reeves and the City.
Sterling climbed to more than $1.25 versus the US dollar after latest ONS data and comments by the Bank of England's chief economist Huw Pill.
CS Venkatakrishnan (pictured), cashed in as a long-term share-based bonus scheme paid out for the first time since his appointment in 2021.
In a huge setback for the Chancellor, Unilever said the Euronext exchange in the Netherlands has won the battle for its ice cream business.
The FTSE 250-listed group now expects a mid-single-digit decline in its full-year revenue, against previous forecasts for only a slight drop.
Elliott, led by boss Paul Singer (pictured), is expected to push BP to cut renewables and make big divestments to address its 'profound' undervaluation.
Finance office Nick Luff (pictured) expects further growth after 2024 profit rose from £2.3bn to £2.6bn. Relx hiked its full-year dividend 7%.
The FTSE 100 hit a new intraday high at 8,820.93 today, but finished down 42.72 points at 8764.72.
Shares in the Swiss-based company, the world's third-largest Coca-Cola anchor bottler, soared more than 9 per cent during the morning.
Ian Lance, co-fund manager, Temple Bar Investment Trust shares his thoughts on on Pearson, Nvidia, Bitcoin and the 'cheap' UK market.
I have checked my National Insurance record and have found gaps when I received Universal Credit but not the NI credits for these periods.
Applied Nutrition sales have exceeded forecasts made ahead of the firm's London IPO in October, aided by a celebrity assist from Coleen Rooney.
Can I move my properties into a trust with children aged 18+ as beneficiaries? Will the income from rental go to them?
The devastation caused by last month's California wildfires will cost a London-listed insurer as much as £132m in payouts.
The banking giant reported its pre-tax profits climbed by 24 per cent to £8.1billion in 2024, with fourth-quarter profits alone surging from just £110million last year to £1.7billion.
Investment trusts have a number of tricks up their sleeves that mean they can boost their dividend payouts. This is what to look out for.
I have built up a large cash Isa pot over a number of years and currently have around £254,000 saved. Would I be correct that they cannot tax me as it's already been in an Isa?
Nearly half (48 per cent) of UK police forces caught drivers exceeding 90mph on 30mph roads in the 20 months to the end of August last year, an investigation by the RAC has found.
Shares in the Dutch brewer, which owns Amstel, Moretti and Desperados, surged after posting a higher yearly profit.
Trump (pictured) said: 'Interest rates should be lowered, something which would go hand in hand with upcoming tariffs! Let's rock and roll, America!'
The recently-popular epithet 'Rachel from accounts' is patronising and has sexist undertones. And it distracts attention from serious problems.
The FTSE 100 life insurance firm said it was evaluating a potential listing of ICICI Prudential Asset Management, a joint venture in which it holds a 49% stake.
Rachel Reeves may have poleaxed the public finances but the Chancellor has fuelled the booster rockets for British infrastructure.
EasyJet was up 2.1%, as French broker Kepler Cheuvreux started coverage of the FTSE 100-listed discount carrier with a 'buy' rating.
Ross McEwan (pictured with former chancellor George Osborne), who ran RBS between 2013 and 2019, will succeed Ken MacKenzie at BHP in April.
Britain's largest residential property developer, led by boss David Thomas (pictured) - said there has been 'some recovery in customer demand'.
Ros Altmann said plans by Saba's boss Boaz Weinstein (pictured) to change the structure of four London-listed trusts could put investors at risk.
The lender said it wanted to cover legal and compensation costs for affected customers - but that 'significant uncertainty' remained.
Bitpanda was forced to halt UK trading in 2023 in the wake of changes to financial promotions rules, but the City watchdog will now allow the exchange to expand back into the the country.
Prudential is considering taking its Indian joint venture business public to help fund returns to shareholders.
Shares in TBC Bank soared after the FTSE 250-listed Georgian lender posted a forecast-beating fourth quarter, propelled by growth in its Uzbek business.
Pinpointing the best time to renew your car insurance could help you save more than £200 a year, experts suggest.
Ross McEwan will replace Ken MacKenzie as BHP's chair at the end of March, a year after he stood down as boss of National Australia Bank, where he spent five years in charge.
Consensus estimates have the Leicestershire-based housebuilder making adjusted pre-tax profits of between £506million and £588million this financial year.
A major high street bank has blown the fixed rate mortgage war price war wide open by cutting rates to below 4%.
The latest trauma at BP needs perspective. The disappointing financial results and presence of activist Elliott on the share register are unsettling.
The Bank of England governor said the Chancellor must keep in mind the 'lasting damage' caused by the meltdown in 2008 and 2009.
Virgin Atlantic promised to reimburse us 75% of the cost of our tickets to the US after we agreed to switch flights. But although the trip was last May we have yet to receive it.
Gucci, worn by celebrities including actress Daisy Edgar-Jones (pictured), saw revenues in the three months to the end of December fall 24% on last year.
There was little in the way of explanation over the departure of Issacs (pictured) hence the speculation among investors as shares tumbled 11.1%.
Spotify boss Daniel Ek (pictured) and co-founder Martin Lorentzon offloaded over 2.5m shares last year and have continued to sell down their stakes.
Investors are frustrated at the valuation gap between BP and its London-listed rival Shell, as well as US energy giants ExxonMobil and Chevron.
Altman (pictured) said Musk was not 'a happy person' - after the Tesla boss launched a near-£80bn offer for the ChatGPT maker.
Tui boss Boss Sebastian Ebel (pictured) said people were still prioritising their holidays even in times of change and economic risks.
The high street bank has reduced mortgage rates for both home movers and those remortgaging, by up to 0.36 percentage points.
Anthony Coombs, who chairs Birmingham-based S&U, told investors that any 'harm' experienced by consumers will be 'so marginal as to make demands for redress minimal.'
More than one million households are missing out on financial support they are entitled to - often because they don't realise they are eligible, or don't know how to claim.
The Imperial Leather owner's shares jumped over 10 per cent to 87.8p in early trading, far ahead of investment trust PRS Reit, the second-strongest performer.
Catherine Mann said Britain should not be dismayed by what she described as the recent inflationary 'hump'.
Move over Amazon and Nvidia. The US tech name that people are talking about now is Palantir, the secretive data analytics giant.
If you live in an area with hard water - usually in the south East because of the chalk and limestone in the region - it could be making your appliances less efficient.
Georgie Frost, Simon Lambert and Helen Crane discuss the impact of the rate cut and the Bank of England's forecasts. Plus, a mortgage trick, trade wars and Nectar theft.
Millions of people are at risk of falling short of an adequate retirement income unless steps are taken to improve the amount they are saving.
Buying undervalued companies in the hope that they'll eventually soar requires nerves of steel and infinite patience.
The Magnificent Seven, the US titans of technology, have ruled supreme in stock markets for the past two years, delivering stellar returns.
Housebuilders shares fell on Tuesday morning after FTSE 250 Bellway flagged mortgage affordability concerns heading into the second half of its financial year.
Seven weeks remain until the stamp duty thresholds fall, foisting higher tax bills on many home movers and first-time buyers.
I have Ring doorbell footage of how they unload my items, which I sent to Anyvan, where you can clearly see how unprofessional the movers are.
As a professional downsizer, I have helped thousands of people move from the home where they have spent most of their lives to a smaller one to enjoy their later years
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