The Carbon Trust is a private company, set up by government in response to the threat of climate change.

Its mission is to accelerate the move to a low carbon economy, by working with business and the public sector to develop commercial low carbon technologies and help organisations reduce their carbon emissions.
Centre for Alternative Technology offers solutions to some of the most serious challenges facing our planet and the human race, such as climate change, pollution and the waste of precious resources.

Addressing every aspect of the average lifestyle - renewable energy, environmental building, energy efficiency, organic growing and alternative sewage systems.

CSE is an independent charity with the aim of advancing sustainable energy policy and practice, seeking energy solutions that engage people and communities to meet real needs for both environmentally sound and affordable energy services.
Department of Energy & Climate Change. The Department's objectives are to
1.Secure global commitments which prevent dangerous climate change
2.Reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the UK
3.Ensure secure energy supplies
4.Promote fairness through our climate and energy policies at home and abroad
5.Ensure the UK benefits from the business and employment opportunities of a low carbon future
6.Manage energy liabilities effectively and safely

Climate change and energy policies are inextricably linked – two thirds of our emissions come from the energy we use. Decisions in one field cannot be made without considering the impacts in the other.
Green electricity company that has been building wind turbines and selling electricity across the country since 1996. Supply the Body Shop and Co-operative Bank and are recommended by the Soil Association and WWF.
Website with information about UK electricity companies plus energy saving tips and micro-generation.
The Energy Saving Trust is a non-profit organisation, funded both by government and the private sector. It is one of the UK's leading organisations set up to address the damaging effects of climate change with offices in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. The aim is to cut emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) by promoting the sustainable and efficient use of energy.

Free and impartial advice given by a network of advice centres in the UK specifically designed to help people take action.
Website with information about UK gas suppliers and how to save gas and energy in the home.
Ground Source Heat Pump Association.
Information about ground source heat pumps.
Ground source heat pumps (GSHP) transfer heat from the ground into a building to provide space heating and, in some cases, to pre-heat domestic hot water.
Micropower, or Microgeneration is the production of energy on the smallest of scales, for individual buildings or communities. Micropower technologies emit low amounts of carbon dioxide(CO2), or in some cases, no carbon dioxide at all, whilst allowing consumers to generate their own heat and/or electricity.
National Energy Foundation - Promoting a better use of energy to counter climate change.
The Foundation is an independent educational charity, based at Milton Keynes in the UK, that works to help people and businesses combat climate change by reducing their carbon emissions through implementing energy efficiency measures and renewable energy sources.

The Renewable Energy Association represents renewable energy producers and promotes the use of all forms of renewable energy in the UK:  covers the full spectrum of the renewable energy technologies across all the sectors; power, heat, transport and renewable gas. Membership of over 600 companies, ranging from major multinationals to sole traders.

Info on home energy savings, solar heating, wind power etc.
Information on solar thermal energy and accredited members of the Trade Association.
Strawbale building is the use of straw bales to construct anything from a basic shed to a family home and is part of an expanding natural/sustainable building movement in the U.K.

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